What It Was, What It Is, and What It Shall Be!

Over 45 years ago, my sister teased my mother that when she and her fiancé got married the wedding vows would only consist of saying to each other, “What it was, what it is and what it shall be”. After picking our mother up off the floor, my sister convinced her it was all a joke!

Fast forward to twelve years ago, my sister’s daughter asked me to officiate her wedding. But they had one request, somewhere in the ceremony I had to say, “what it was, what it is, and what it shall be”. I honored the request at the end of the ceremony and repeated the infamous line!

I was recently reminded of this phrase and it took me on another mind journey. I began to contemplate how in our ‘seasoned’ life, sometimes we think we’ve done it all…been there, done that and there’s nothing left to learn. Oh, how wrong we are!

God’s plan for us is to always be moving forward…growing more in the image of Jesus.

white church

Can you remember what it was like when you gave your life to Jesus? When you asked Him to live in your heart? I imagine you were pretty overcome and excited for this new journey! I was 14 years old and felt like I was on cloud 9!

But as time goes on for us, “what it was” can become dull, like a dry place. I think this is especially true in the latter years of our lives. Even though we may have retired from our secular job, as Christians we are still employed. However, the “what it is” is not like “it was” and we tend to feel like we have reached a point where there is nowhere to go in our spiritual lives. Like in retirement, we settle down. We just stop moving forward.

Yes, we should be confident in the fact we are firmly planted in Him and secure in our salvation. However, as we mature, we still need to surrender day by day, as we grow more into the image of Jesus Christ.

Don’t be satisfied with the ‘what it was’ or happy in the ‘what it is’. Strive for the ‘what it can be’ as you go forward in your spiritual growth.

So, what can we do to continue to grow in Christ Jesus?

I’m sure you already know; you just need a reminder.

Read Your Bible.

The Bible is your greatest resource. You don’t need to read a chapter a day or try to keep up with a ‘read the Bible in a year’ plan. Develop your own plan. Pick a book and read just a few verses at a sitting. Pray over them and ask God to reveal how you can apply it to your life.


Why does this one slip through the cracks so easily? Set a certain time a day to pray intentionally. Make a list of those you want to pray for. Tell God of your concerns and struggles. You may be surprised at the peace it will bring you by talking to God.

Attend Church.

If you can, attend a church of like-minded believers. Fellowship with other Christians is priceless. If you are unable to attend a church, invite some friends over and share a devotion together. You can even do this over the phone!

In what ways is Jesus calling you to grow more in His image?

He knows every aspect of your life… your past…your present…and your future. You are no stranger to Jesus. Don’t make yourself one to Him.


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