Why Didn’t I Read the Directions?

There are events in history that we remember exactly where we were when it happened. For instance, when JFK was shot or when man landed on the moon. Of course, I remember those, but one that I really sticks in my mind is when I bought my first microwave.

Now to you, that may not sound like something worth remembering. However, at the time, I was a single mom and my funds were very limited. It took all my salary to pay the babysitters, my gas and food to keep us going. So, when I finally saved enough for our first microwave, it was a big deal.

I recall bringing it home and how the kids were ecstatic!  I put a small table in the kitchen for its perch, plugged it up and we all just stared at in in awe! If you remember, when microwaves first came out they were massive. And to think we had such a wonderful appliance? It was life altering!!!

Well, I stopped on the way home and bought a pack of hot dogs. We could hardly wait to watch them cook through the little window as they spun around on the plate.

There was a twinkle in the eye as each of my children put their hot dog on a paper plate and we put them in our new wonder machine. I closed the door, hit the buttons, and waa-la! They started to spin and they started to get bigger and bigger and then POW! They exploded all over the inside of our new microwave!

It was a disaster! Not to mention I had wasted food! However, we did laugh until our bellies hurt!

I didn’t read the directions on the new microwave. We had one at work and I assumed it was just like that one…push the button and that was it. Obviously, I should have taken the time to look at the little booklet full of directions that came with the machine!

A lot of the time, we don’t read the “directions” in the Bible either.

We assume we know what God would want us to do or how He’d want us to react. Sometimes we hit the mark, and sometimes we don’t.

And yet…sometimes, when we DO search for answers in the Bible, we go to the same parts over and over again. The parts we are familiar with. We go to certain verses we know when we are depressed, when we need comfort, when we need direction. And that is fine, but there are treasures that lie also in rediscovering some of the other verses…the not so common stories.

When was the last time you read Judges chapter 13? We all know the story of Samson, but the story of his parents is compelling and a great story of faith and comfort. If you are anxious, if you need to reaffirm your faith, read about Monoah.

If you want a real interesting read that has high drama, read about Tamar in Genesis chapter 38. One of my favorite golden nuggets in this story is it tells of one of the first recorded public confessions of personal sin! It is also how when we are tarnished and have sinned…God can still bless us and use us…because of His mercy and grace. Do you need reassurance of His mercy and grace? Do you need to confess a sin?

One of my all-time favorites is the story of Onesimus found in the book of Philemon. A story of reconciliation and restoration. Beautiful encounter with a runaway slave, his meeting with Paul and his journey to salvation. Do you need to forgive someone?

So, what does all this have to do with a microwave? Well, just as I didn’t read the directions and thought I knew exactly what to do, we often don’t read the Bible and think we know how to handle all that life throws our way.

The reality is, the Bible is full of stories that show us how to overcome the complexities of this life.

Many of these stories are not the familiar ones, like Jonah and the whale and Moses parting the Red Sea. Nothing wrong with those, but there is so much more in those 66 books!

Which means, we need to dig a little bit and discover all the Bible has for us. Maybe reading the directions for a microwave are boring, but I can guarantee the opposite is true of the Bible. If you want drama, if you want high adventure, if you want a tear jerker, no matter what you’re looking for…it’s in there!

But more importantly is the beauty of God’s instructions and directions for each of us in these stories. Yes, verses such as those in Psalms are very comforting and Proverbs’ verses of wisdom are boundless. But the stories which open our eyes to what God is trying to teach us is priceless.

Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.
— Romans 15:4 NLT

God is full of mercy and grace and agape love for you and me. He has given us an instruction book that seeks to give our lives meaning and purpose.

Don’t let your situations explode into doubt, uncertainty and fear. There are many golden nuggets to be discovered! Dust off The Book. There is an adventure waiting for you! And in the process…you may learn a thing or two!


Heavenly Father, I know I rush through life and often don’t stop to seek your direction. Help me to stop and read Your Word. Help me to stop and seek Your Will. Help me to rediscover all that You have for me between the pages of Your Book. Thank you for Your abiding mercy and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.





God Gave Straight From The Heart