Finding Blessings in Unexpected Places

When I was growing up, my parents worked hard to make ends meet. My sisters and I often chuckle over the fact Momma couldn’t afford chocolate chips, so she’d make the chocolate chip cookies, just without the chips! However, one thing she tried to do every holiday was have our favorite orange rolls. You know, the ones made by Pillsbury in the can with the little container of icing at the bottom. We loved these rolls. Not only were they good, but they filled the kitchen with a scrumptious aroma when baking!

As things go sometimes, earlier this week I began to feel poorly. My right ear on Monday began to ache and I knew this probably meant I had an ear infection. On Tuesday, I was all stopped up and especially on the right side of my head. I fought through it during the night with a heating pad on my ear and got up this morning and headed to the Urgent Care in hopes of getting an antibiotic.

After I explained my situation, the Dr gave me an Covid test. I told her there was no need, since I knew it was an ear infection. After all, I’d had so many over the years. Imagine my surprise when it came back positive!

Here it is, Thanksgiving Eve! I don’t have time for Covid! I have dishes to cook, places to be tomorrow and then to find out I have this dreaded Covid virus? I’m not ashamed to admit it, but I broke down and cried right there in the office. To say I am distraught is an understatement. After all, for the first time, my son was cooking Thanksgiving dinner and I was not going to be there to see what kind of job he did!

“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” C.S. Lewis

Of course, I came home and began contacting all those I had been in the company of the past few days. One by one, they said, “I’ll be over with a plate tomorrow so you can have some turkey and all the fixings!” Tonight one friend stopped by my favorite fast-food restaurant on her way home from work and brought me a salad.

Everyone who has reached out and brought something is a true blessing. But one family brought me a box of Thanksgiving goodies this evening with a very special surprise tucked in the bottom. As I unpacked the turkey and dressing, there beside the slice of apple pie was a can of Pillsbury Orange Rolls! Honestly, I think I could feel God smiling as I squealed with delight!

orange rolls

When You Find Unexpected Blessings

When I least expected it, in the midst of my disappointment and sickness, God brought me a wonderful sentimental blessing! I spent much of the evening reminiscing Thanksgivings past, including my momma’s cooking, my daddy’s fun-loving attitude around the holidays, and all of us sitting around the dining room table, which was saved for special occasions. It’s given me peace and I have had a good evening, in spite of being alone and sick.

Even though my Thanksgiving was less than ideal, there were so many blessings to be found. And sometimes it takes the smallest nudge or reminder to help one see that.

I guarantee, if you start looking around, you’ll find an unexpected blessing, too. God’s like that, you know!

“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:8


Dear Father, thank you for your many blessings. Thank you for friends and family that surround me in times of need. May I never take them for granted or become so distracted I can’t see them. Thank you for your unconditional love. I am so grateful for all you have done for me. And thank you for Your Son, Jesus Christ, the biggest blessing of all. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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