How is Your Grip on Jesus?

Back in the day, my husband was quite the horseman. Although he lost his leg many years prior and wore a prothesis, there was nothing he couldn’t do.

A number of years ago, he was horseback riding with some friends, when his horse decided to make a leap my husband did not anticipate. This resulted in him falling off the horse. Well, most of him fell off…the prothesis remained with the foot in the stirrup and leg upright.

The horse paid no attention that he’d lost his rider and sauntered on up the road to home. When he turned into the driveway and headed to the barn, the family saw the empty saddle and the leg still in the stirrup.

This caused a frenzy of excitement, as everyone jumped in the car and raced up the road looking for the missing rider. It wasn’t long before he was found lying in the ditch, minus one leg and harboring a bruised ego!

We have had a good belly laugh over this for many years. But as I recounted this story a few days ago to some friends, it got me to thinking. How many times has the road been bumpy, with unexpected turns and before we knew it, we were thrown for a loop? There we are, traveling along in life, not anticipating the ditch ahead and suddenly we find ourselves out of the saddle!

hands holding horse reins

When Life Throws Us Unexpected Challenges

I think if we look close enough, the truth of the matter is, our grip on Jesus becomes slack from time to time. Our focus is on everything else… we lose a loved one, we receive a scary diagnosis…friend or family relationships become strained and then without warning, we find ourselves in the ditch!

“It’s crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off.” Heb. 2:1

I’ve certainly lost my grip a time or two over the years. But I am now determined to hold on to Jesus with all I’ve got. That is the plan…my course of action!

Whatever comes my way, my grip on Jesus will be strong, I will not let go!

Why? Because Jesus is my hope! He is my refuge! He is my strength! He’s faithful and steadfast! I trust Him. And He loves me with an unconditional love. Above all else, He can handle anything that may trip me up.

The best news of all? He is with me; He is for me and He will never lose His grip on me!

So, if life throws a ditch in your path, don’t lose your grip on the reins. Just hold on to Jesus!

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrew 10:23


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