Mary, Did You Know? Christian Living + A Prayer

Sometimes there is a song that comes along that really knocks you off your feet. For me, it was back in 1984 when Mark Lowry of the Gaither Vocal Band wrote lyrics to a song that would become a Christmas favorite. With the help of Buddy Green composing the music, “Mary Did You Know”, has been recorded numerous times by many artists.

I distinctively remember the first time I heard it. It brought me to tears. I had never thought about Jesus’ birth from that standpoint. The idea of did Mary know when she kissed the baby’s face, she was kissing the face of God, stunned me. Did she know He would one day save her from her sins? Did she realize He would heal the sick, calm the storm, raise the dead? I had just never looked at it that way.

The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So
the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the
Son of God.
— Luke 1:35

Of course, we know Mary knew He was God’s Son. Scripture tells us that. I’m sure we all have our opinions, too, on just how much Mary realized, and we could debate it till the cows come home. And although it is of great interest to many people what she really knew, there have been countless modern-day theologians who have researched this topic for years. But I am satisfied to know…that I don’t know.

I have no idea all that Mary comprehended about her baby boy. You see, for me, it is all about the fact a virgin girl gave birth to the Savior of the World. Not how much she knew about the future of this baby.


For me, it is all about the humble beginnings and that He was revealed to the lowly shepherds first and not the most powerful in town.

For me, it is about how God chose to bring Himself to earth…to live among mankind…to teach and show us His character.

It is a beautiful beginning for our salvation. He did not come in fanfare, richly adorned and celebrated as a king. Although He is the King of Kings and as scripture tells us greater than any earthly king, No, He was born in a stable and

He came for all people…

This is what I know. He came for everyone… you and me…no matter our social standing…no matter our financial worth…no matter our intelligence level. Yes, He came for the rich and the poor, the powerful and the helpless, the big shots and the unknowns.

He brought Hope, Peace, Joy and Love

And because of that… I know He loves me. I know He gave His life for me. You see, He actually left all the riches and glory of heaven to come down to earth to walk among us bringing with Him…hope, peace, joy and His love.

I don’t know if Mary knew all of this. And to me…it is not so important I find that out. What I do know is Jesus came to earth in the humblest of ways to show His great love for you and me. Yes, the Great I Am came to us in the flesh…as a gift.

Did Mary know? To me it doesn’t matter…because I do know!


Father God, help us to not get so caught up in the how’s of Your Son’s birth, but help us to realize the why’s of His coming. Thank you for the humble birth of Jesus through a virgin to become our Savior. Thank you that He came to save the world from sin. Thank you that He gives eternal life to those who believe. And may we celebrate each day this precious gift. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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