My Front Porch Swing: Gifts From God

My husband loved the property where we lived. The farmhouse was built by his grandfather in the late 1800’s. He had lived there all his life and there was nowhere else he wanted to be. My favorite of all places was the front porch swing. I spent many an hour sitting there, gently swinging and gazing across the field. My husband gave me that swing for Valentine’s Day. It was handmade by a man the next county over. It is still, after all these years, one of the best presents I have ever received.

There seemed to always be a breeze blowing across that front porch, no matter how hot it was. It was my habit every day, weather permitting, to sit on that swing.

It served many a purpose. It was where Joe and I would sit, hold hands and talk or sing. My husband had a beautiful voice and on a summer evening, many times we would slowly swing and he’d sing.

It was also where I calmed my grandchildren when they were babies, swaying back and forth until they fell asleep.

Early in the mornings, I would often spend time swinging and praying.

When my husband was no longer able to farm, it was his favorite place to sit as we watched the men cut, rake and bale the hay.

Later, when he became sick, it was my place of refuge. As he slept, I’d sit on that swing and often cry, knowing the time was drawing close. But more often than not, I’d reminisce with God about the blessing of having Joe as my husband and the wonderful years we spent together on that property and especially, in that swing.

swing on a front porch

A Gift From God

What a wonderful gift God gave us when He created our memory! Have you ever thought of that? So many times, I sit here alone at night and reflect on the delightful times I have had with my husband and my children. Actually, with all my family. Sure, there have been some not-so-great times. But I choose to remember the good ones and play them over and over in my head. I get such comfort from them.

“So Moses said to the people, “This is a day to remember forever – the day

you left Egypt, the place of your slavery. Today the Lord has brought you

out by the power of His mighty hand.” Exodus 13:3

God Himself calls us to remember the good things He has done for us, too. Oh, yes, His mighty hand has pulled me up out of the mire and mess more times than I can count. But He never left my side.

The thing is…this Mighty Hand that worked it out yesterday…can work it out today, too.

I don’t know about you, but in this stage of my life, I find myself meandering down memory lane more often. And it gives me such comfort to know, God was always with me and always will be.

I don’t have a front porch swing anymore, but I have my memories. And in my mind, I often feel that breeze on my face and it makes me smile. Thank you, Lord, for all you’ve done for me.

And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19


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