A Biblical Lesson from The Good Samaritan

I grew up in a beautiful rural area of our county, at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Just down the road from us was a pretty good size farm, owned and operated by a man and his sister. They were both in their 70’s and had never been married. Together they fed the sheep and cows, cut the hay, and kept what had been their parent’s farm, in order. Unfortunately, the brother was not in the best of health and one winter he became ill with pneumonia.

My family and these neighbors were good friends. Often my daddy would go over and rake the hay in wind rows while the brother baled. Sometimes he was needed to help with feeding the cattle or working in their large garden. This particular winter, daddy worked side by side with the sister as they fed the animals, cut wood, stacked it on the porch and then often spent nights assisting the ewes with lambing. Sadly, the brother passed away that winter, on a cold morning as a light snow began to fall. And we, as neighbors, continued to help the sister. Whatever she needed, if we could, we helped.

Neighbors helping neighbors.

I also recall, from time to time, if Momma ran short of sugar for a recipe, she’d send one of us to walk down the dirt road to the nearest neighbor with the small tin measuring cup.

two people sitting on a porch

What The Bible Tells Us

The Bible tells all of us – country folk and city folk – to be helpful, generous and kind to one another. We achieve greatness in God’s eyes by serving His children gladly, humbly and often.

This is my commandment: love each other just as I have loved you.
— John 15:12

One of the most powerful parables in the Bible is that of ‘The Good Samaritan’. Jesus tells of a man beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. After two men passed him by, the one we call The Good Samaritan came along and set his own plans aside to stop and help the fallen stranger. If you are not familiar with the story, it’s found in Luke 10:25-37.

All we have to do is look around us.

The needs are great. Whether it is just down the road or just next door. So many people are enduring difficult situations and circumstances. There is a great need among us, and as Christians, we are instructed to serve.

I realize that for many of us in this ‘season’ we do not have the means or capability to help like we use to. But Jesus loves us in such an extraordinary way, that it’s up to us to take the love He so generously gives and find ways to bring it others.

Jesus came to this world, not to conquer, but to serve.

We must do likewise.

When we do, our lives will be blessed by the One who first served us.

“The meaning of life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation.” Corrie Ten Boom


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