New Visions for a New Year: For the Christian Woman

I went to the Eye Dr. a few weeks ago. It was my normal one-year exam. I knew I probably needed some adjustment in my prescription and a check-up for damage from my diabetes. Plus, I had been experiencing some double-vision lately and was very concerned about what that could mean.

After the usual testing, numbing of my eyes and checking for glaucoma, he checked to see possible causes for the double vision. Much to my delight, everything came out fine!! I did not even need my glass’ prescription updated!

I left out of there with a skip in my step and a happier bank account. Then I took it a ‘skip’ further and started to realize, with my age and a whole year with no changes, I am very blessed!

However, I wanted to see if God had a message in all this for me besides just being fortunate enough not to purchase new glasses.

Our human sight is definitely a beautiful gift. However, it is limited.

After contemplating and praying, and with just entering 2024, I think what God wants me to do is enter this new year with a clearer vision, fresh eyes and a steady focus.

He doesn’t want me focusing on old baggage, stale mindsets and heaps of worries into 2024. Instead, He is calling me to look at Him, with fresh, clear eyes.

What is your vision like? Is your vision 20/20 for 2024?

Jesus is the measure of our perfect vision.

Hebrews 12:2 says, “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.”

Do you remember the story in the book of Matthew Chapter 14, when Jesus came to the disciples in a storm walking on water? Do you recall that Peter jumps in the water to walk towards Jesus?

Here’s what happened… as long as Peter’s eyes were on Jesus, as long as he was focused on Him, Peter had clear vision and walked on the water. But when Peter’s eyes became focused on all that was going on around him in the storm, his vision blurred, he became distracted and he began to sink.

I know that storms, or distractions, in our lives can take the shape of many things. Our finances, our relationships, our health, just to name a few.

But what if you and I determined today to take a hard look at our vision as we enter this New Year?

Then ask ourselves where am I out of focus? Where is my vision blurred?

Let’s you and I begin this New Year with our eyes fixed on the One who never takes His eyes off of us. And when we do, I think all the distractions will dim and our vision will be much clearer.


Heavenly Father, thank You that You see things beyond my limited vision. Help me to refocus where my sight is blurred. As I enter this new year, guide me into a stronger faith knowing You are at work in my circumstances even if I can’t see it. And help me keep my eyes on Jesus, even in the midst of storms. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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