New Year’s Resolutions for the Christian Woman

I hate New Year Resolutions. Yes, I have made a million of them and I don’t remember ever keeping a one. Maybe I did for about 3 months, but realistically, I haven’t kept any.

What is a resolution? To me, it is a promise I make to myself to do ‘something positive to improve my current situation’. And just what have my past resolutions been?

  • Lose weight

  • Get healthy

  • Join a gym

  • Save money

  • Get rid of stress

That’s my boring list and year after year they rarely change. Which is proof I don’t keep them because I have to keep setting them as the same ones for the following year’s resolutions!!

Maybe I lost weight for a few months…but what I lost I soon found again. I have joined gyms countless times and paid the monthly fee, yet never darkened the door. I’m ashamed to admit it. I have saved money, but low and behold I see something I just have to have and before you know it, I am tapping into the savings account. And sure, I have tried to reduce stress, but that would have meant quitting every job I ever had!! Besides, as I get older, that ‘something to improve my current situation’ takes on a new definition.

So, this year I have a new mindset.

My motto is MORE IN 2024!

I’m throwing those repetitive resolutions to the wind and I’m going all out!

And here are my NEW ‘resolutions’:

  • Go ride the ski lift up and down and don’t get off because I have no interest in learning to ski. I just want to see the view.

  • Eat my dessert first, because I do not ever want to say I have no room for dessert.

  • Take the grandchildren to new places and experience new things.

  • Find restaurants that have Door Dash and try a new one once a week.

  • Actually burn my candles!

  • Splurge and have aluminum wrap, plastic wrap, wax paper, and parchment paper all at the same time in my cupboard.

  • Go to bed as early as I want and sleep as late as I want.

  • And lastly…Refuse to act my age!!!

Did you notice there is a common theme amongst them? Yes, they are all fun! Seasoned as I am, it only seems logical to me that I should aim for more fun. Where is the enjoyment in trying to lose weight or going to the gym or figuring out my finances? I think that has been the root of my problem all along!! My resolutions were never fun!

As I have looked at my past resolution lists, it was a real eye opener! I think we all need this reminder…regardless of our age, fun is fundamental! And here is another eye opener…if we leave it out of Christianity, we are leaving out a vital part of our spirituality, too! There is nothing boring about being a Follower of Jesus Christ…unless we make it so.

Listen…it is fun to be a Child of the Most High God! It is fun to be redeemed and forgiven! It is fun to always be growing in our spiritual walk! Not to mention…it is pure joy to serve Jesus!

Yes, fun is a broad concept, but it has its place in Christianity. There are many aspects to pleasing God and we need to make it an important part of our Christian walk.

So, make your More in 2024 about having some fun! Put your praise on and thank Him for the ability to have fun in Him!!!

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the delight I feel when I communicate with You, when I am witnessing for You, and when I am following Your plans. You bring unspeakable joy to my life! In Jesus’ name, Amen!


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